About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to increase strong relationship between Afrasean community members and using Afrasean ecosystem as platform to enhance private sector growth through public-private dialogue, B2B activities, knowledge sharing, business service development and policy advocacy aimed at improving the general business environment in the region and to enhance commercial links between Asian and Africa. To be the incubator of innovative industries and to create a safe digital ecosystem and used our Kuwait office as the financial and trade hub for the onward development of multilateral trade and investment relations from South East Asian countries to Africa continent.

About Us

The AFRASEAN Foundation is a Business Facilitation Network which creates alliances with leading Business organisations/ chambers of commerce from the ASIA PACIFIC AND AFRICA region.

The FOUNDATION consists of leading businesses from Indonesia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait ,Tunisia.

The purpose of Afrasean is to create a platform from which business associations from the region can discuss the challenges for businesses and identify shared solutions and policy recommendations. A specific emphasis is on improving access to the African market for businesses from the Asia-Pacific region region.

Our Network will contribute to the creation of a more enabling environment for the private sector in the region for the benefit of growth and development in general.
The participating Businesses have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work strategically together, promoting relevant policy issues within and between their respective countries and internationally.

The mission is :

To enhance private sector growth through public-private dialogue, B2B activities, knowledge sharing, business service development and policy advocacy aimed at improving the general business environment in the region and to enhance commercial links between Asia and Africa.

The Network is achieving this mission by:

  • Coordinating and supporting activities of the members;
  • Organizing conferences, events, working groups and taskforces;
  • Collaborating at national, regional, and international levels with relevant organizations and professional entities incl. participation conferences in areas of relevance to the mission of the Network.
  • Promoting to its members the availability of services rendered by other members;
  • Defining common policy position formulation and subsequent dialogue with governmental counterparts on the opportunities to improve the business environment conditions;
  • business advisory services including market survey/ research and analysis
  • support bilateral business partnership meetings
  • business sourcing and introduction for investors
  • facilitation economic and technological / innovation and digitalisation cooperation and skill transfer
  • Facilitating joint venture and partnership
  • Fund raising and trade finance assistance
  • Facilitating exchange of information, knowledge and best practices, through a newsletter, a website and other means.
  • Stimulating research in the field of private sector growth and the barriers for this and by disseminating information on current research findings.